Spilled Milk
Fishtank Theatre
Kansas City, MO
In this 6-person Choreopoem, grief, growing up and breaking cycles is examined by a group of young people grieving the loss of their friend Bobbie; a poet suffering from depression and anxiety who took his own life. Now, Bobbie is the maestro of his own funeral as he tries to figure out who his friends truly are and how they can be fixed…or rewritten, before they end up just like him.
Giving in to the Bit
Labyrinth Theatre co.
New York, NY
Giving in to the Bit is a surrealist look at the summer of 2020 when life was tragic, hilarious, shocking and confusing; leaving us with the feeling of being either paralyzed or drunk.

Spilled Milk
New York Winterfest Theatre Festival
New York, NY
In this 6-person Choreopoem, grief, growing up and breaking cycles is examined by a group of young people grieving the loss of their friend Bobbie; a poet suffering from depression and anxiety who took his own life. Now, Bobbie is the maestro of his own funeral as he tries to figure out who his friends truly are and how they can be fixed…or rewritten, before they end up just like him.
Are You Listening
Kansas City Repertory Theatre
Kansas City, MO
Twelve young people gather for their tenth high school reunion. New identities are unfurled. Old wounds and secrets are spoken aloud and hilarities are recalled as they join forces again to understand a time when it seemed no one was listening or even cared.

The Morning When
Labyrinth Theatre Company
New York, NY
An online festival of new works inspired by the formation of The Drivers Cooperative NYC. LAByrinth company members have created a series of new works exploring the intersection of the American Dream and the reality of the working class world of New York City drivers based on interviews with the human beings behind the wheel.